Я не вся твоя судьба, лишь одна из её возможностей.
Sometimes I have a really strange dreams about my future life. It may be the dream about a travel car, the dream about life in the beautiful and absolutely wild nature, about the territory on the Far East of Russia or on the warm sea coast.
May be it's strange may be it's the one real way from many ways. The most real. Our dreams and secret desires. What it mean for me? I think that we all are allowing ourselves too little from our real wishes. Causes and effects there are in the borders of human society and in the difficulties to live in without a freedom loss. I'm starting to wish about not my things like a children, successful up in career, gadgets, cars and other. I began to forget about the nature, the world around me, about simple things which I used to like before. When civilization is in progress, my communication with nature and ecology is breaking down gradually. I don't want to lost it. Can't lost my feeling that happiness is in simplicity. I don't want to spend my life just with work and lost myself too fast. I'll work in this way.